14 February 2007

Deja Vu All Over Again

Yep, here we are at the "Hotel Emanuel" urban retreat once again. Not the full package this time (we hope, knock on wood). They got enough blood for labwork with one poke, she doesn't need antibiotics or an IV, her xrays aren't that bad (for pneumonia), and the Albuterol treatment really seemed to help her breath this time.

So, (we hope, knock on wood) we won't be here too many days, just enough to get her breathing strong again. She gets sooooooooo overwhelmed with mucous and coughing, etc, that she just pulls and pulls air -- and still can't get "OOOOOOs" [oxygen]. It's such a bummer, too, because she was doing sooooooo well since the last time we were here (11 days ago).

Bummer for me, I'm sick as a dog this time (not last time, though!), and we got stuck in the Infant/Toddler ward which means we are getting a roommate, and I have to sleep on a back-breaking cot. And, I'm not so shy as to not ask for a room in the School Age ward (which are all singles with built-in bench beds) -- but they were all full overthere. Apparently it's been so crowded lately that they had kids admitted recently that had to be put in the dental surgery ward (?!?!) -- shocking (obviously this means its busy here).

Okay, I better get back to the heavy breather, and try to get some sleep myself.

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I hope you get frequent flyer miles with all of your Hotel Emanual stays, yeesh! I see the hotel has wireless internet?