10 February 2007

Many Pictures Are Worth Many Words

Ugh, I've been trying to get some pics up for a few days, and I have even more smiles to share, but I'm so far behind. I guess I would be better about updating the blog if I didn't spend so much time trying to capture smiles with the camera. They're soooooooooo wonderful! I just can't get enough*. Here are a few smiles, and some some other things from the last few days, in no particular order (I know, I know, very unlike me, but hey, random is better than none, right).

Perhaps all the smiles are from Cinder-Avery's magic spell: bibby-a-bobby-a-boo!

But daddy, I'm not sleepy right now!
Part of my mad cleaning & organizing frenzy -- the tower of medical supplies (and the file on top is Jordan's medical file, and believe me, it's full). Don't tell the junkies about our mudroom, it's stocked. Nana Noma & Avery's Play-Doh creations from Friday -- a four-legged bird? New feet for mommy? even Jordan got to join in; but she just squishes the Play-Doh. Note: all the Play-Doh mixed together turns out to be purplish in our house.

Smiles for nana NomaMorning zombie girl, hmmmmmm, I wonder where she gets that?! Can you bend your arms this way? It really isn't that difficult, I do it all the time (but I really shouldn't). Yuck! No wonder the Pilot smelled horrible. After a Cascade-style vomit eruption last week on the way to the allergist, I had to get serious about getting Jordan's carseat cleaned up. This is the barf that made it to the base. You should have seen the seat & the cover, and the straps & buckles, too. Taking that carseat apart for cleaning wasn't easy -- it involved a toolset. But at least none of us vomit when we breath in the Pilot now. Okay, so this is rather inappropriate for a 3-year-old, but how could I pass up this t-shirt? TOTAL FLUKE! I was walking around NW Portland last week, and walked past a thrift store on the way to Trader Joe's. As I'm always looking for snap-front clothes for Jordan (easy tube access), I decided to go in and see if there was anything in there that she could use. Nope, but I found this for $1!! I sooooooooo remember these shirts from my days in Edmonton, and the debate about whether it was actually "Canadian" or not to wear a shirt that said something like that.

I guess it's okay for around the house. Avery just loves the "leaf flag" -- she even IDs the Air Canada planes when we are at the airport, and frequently tells us how the leaf planes fly to "Candada."Showing off her goodies from her "nature hike" around the yard with nana Noma.At the geneticists appointment last week. The decorations in the rooms at OHSU is amazing -- we're definitely going to figure out how this is done & do it in the playroom. We're guessing layered stencils, and a very patient person (yeah, Devon's gonna have to do it).
January Room
February Room

Waiting for the doctors. . . .Ahhh, the fun of a cell phone camera
Who needs the paper when you can just paint the paint trays & mix all the paint together? That's the way Avery likes to do it. She's getting very good at coloring within the lines in coloring books, though. On the other hand, she insists on wearing her shoes & boots on the wrong feet! No playing by the rules for her.

A big step up in the carousel world. One night while daddy spent the night in the hospital with Jordan, Avery and I went out for pizza & then a carousel ride. It was a momentous occassioin. As a 3-year-old you are allowed to ride by yourself if you want. So I bought 2 tokens, and then let her decide if she wanted to use them both, thereby getting 2 rides, or if she wanted me to use a token to come along to be with her, which would mea only one ride for both of us. She quickly ditched me for 2 rides (and I was thanful for not having to go on it again!

*Of course, if they are seizure related, I'll really be torn. She seems so happy & alert, and we love the smiles, but they almost always seem to come after some strange movements. We're working with the pediatric neurologist now to try to figure them out & what to do about them -- I hate the idea of doping her up on anti-seizure meds if the seizures aren't damaging or life threatening. Boy, is Jordan sure making her neurologists work for it!! Lots of head scratching for them. I'll just take the smiles when we get them.

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