26 February 2007

The 10-Day Cycle?

Enough already! I'm just DONE with the cold/flu/RSV season, so if you're sick, get over it and get rid of it so we can move into spring all happy & healthy.

It's been 10 days since Jordan was last released from the "Hotel Emanuel" -- and of course as the sun went down yesterday, Jordan's mucousy never-ending cough reappeared. It was 10 between our previous hospitalizations, also -- so I'm beginning to see a pattern here. . . .

Cross your fingers that we don't end up there again. So far it's just a cough, but that's how it started out last time, and the time before. This time, however, no one else is coming down with anything; Avery has not been the harbinger of illness to come. So, since the pattern is broken, maybe this will pass without another hospital stay.

She coughed every ~10 to ~20 seconds from 8:00am until 2:00pm (and she fell asleep from 1:00pm). Her body and my psyche finally got a break from 2:00pm until 4:30pm, then it was back to cough festival. For the most part it's been wet & messy, but as the night dragged on, it started to sound drier & hoarser, more and more like a seal bark (croup). At least she finally fell asleep around 10:30pm, so we're crossing our fingers for a restful night.

Boy were we glad tonight, when she barfed all over the floor, that we reverted to the original hardwood. . . . It's a pain to shampoo carpet, and pretty hard to throw the sofa in the laundry [like the piles and piles of blankets, towels, and clothes I already do daily, largely due to her barfing, coughing, and spitting up], so if nothing is nearby to barf in or on, we just tilt her over the floor and then go get a bath towel/rag.

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