21 February 2007

There's A Hole In The Middle Of -- My Kid

Just in case you're faint-hearted, this is your warning.

Every 3 months or so, Jordan's Mic-Key button needs to be replaced. So, I did it tonight, and of course, now that I'm not queasy about it, photodocumented it.

1. Extract water (5 ml) from the "bulb"
2. Pull out button
3. Insert new button
4. Insert water (5 ml) into the "bulb"

Easy as pie.

Now, for the gorier parts:

All the supplies (new Mic-Key, empty syringe for extracting the water from the balloon of the old Mic-Key, syringe with 5 cc water to put into the new Mic-Key balloon)
Extract the water from the old button, and pull it outSadly, her stoma has a lot of granulation tissue, we are working hard to get it cleared up!
The old button, deflatedThe old button, inflated (the balloon holds it in place in the stomach)Inserting the new button into the stoma (with some surgi-lube)Filling up the balloon on the new button -- all done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Might be gore but I appreciate it! LOL Zachary is going to be getting a gtube in about 6 weeks. I need to know all about it. Looks pretty similar to changing a trach!