22 July 2007

See, I Told You So, We DID Go To Alaska

We went up to visit my sister Jill & her husband Matt for a fun summer get together. Devon, Avery, Jordan, & I arrived a couples days before the rest of the gang*, but in the end it was Jill & Matt, Devon, Avery, Jordan, & I in the 24 foot camper trailer, Julie, Jack, & Jasper in their tent, and Kim, Wil, & Jamie in the guest room. A great time was had by all, even though the great weather we had when we first arrived had turned to rain within a few days. Luckily it seemed to give us most of the breaks we needed to get out and do some things.

Betsy was able to join us for one day, on her way out of her field camp (2 weeks living in a tent in northern Alaska) and back to civilization, and Julie's husband Jeff also made it down to Palmer on the last day, bringing with him some of the fish he had caught the day before (Kim was over the moon to finally eat some real, fresh, Alaskan fish).

Unfortunately our friend Astrid was unable to make it, due to her father's failing health (we're thinking of you and your family, Astrid).

Here are some of our adventures. Don't forget to check out Julie's blog for more, if you're interested.

*The gang: We met at grad school in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Leslie: igneous geochemisty
Devon: stable isotope geochemisty
Kim: geomorphology & glaciology
Julie: archeology
Betsy: carbonate geology
Astrid: carbonate geology

Even Matt is in on the geo of life: he is a geotechnical & soils technician and in his "spare" time is implementing a GIS system
(global information system) at work
As for the others:
Jill: high school Spanish teacher
Wil: IT director
Jeff: archeologist

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