31 July 2007


So, this is the one-year anniversary of our year with Jordan on the blog. Blog #381. We've had a lot of anniversaries already this year, most of them we'd rather forget (anniversary of her feeding tube, anniversary of her Infantile Spasms diagnosis, anniversary of starting ACTH, etc), so they mostly go unmarked. But this is a good one, so I thought I'd mention it.

Not much has changed in the last year, but at the same time we have changed quite a bit. Our motto for 2007 was finding our "new normal" -- I'm not sure we've done that, and I'm not sure we ever will -- so I guess that is our normal. We're trying to get back to "life as usual" with daily schedules & routines, trips & vacations, housework & yard work, jobs & careers, all the while trying to make Jordan a part of that life, instead of the center of it. In some ways we've succeeded, and in some ways we've failed. Although life is never the same after children, it's really never the same raising "newborn" -- whose days are always the same, never learning or doing new things. It is hard not to be discouraged when there is no progress, no change.

But, she's a fish, and we're just going to have to get used to that. No, she wasn't born under the sign of Pisces, and she doesn't particularly like water, but she was born like this, and doesn't know any different. Just like a fish is born a fish, and just is.

We still don't know what to expect, and aren't really sure where the road of our lives is leading, but perhaps that's true for all of us, we're just reminded of that more frequently when we wake up every day to Jordan's unchanging life.

So, here's to another year of "normal." Thanks for blogging along with us.


Kelly said...

I wonder what I'd like to have more: a static condition that never changes or progresses, like Jordan; or one that continually deteriorates, like Michaela.

Hmmmmm.....that's a hard one.

Can we pick what's behind door #3?

Astrid said...

1 year - Wow ... I almost forgot. Really I can't remember life before the blog!