Avery giving the "amimals" a ride in front of Doernbecher Childrens' Hospital at OHSU. We went up on the hill today (twice) just for Jordan to get a finger stick for a blood test. Traffic, road construction, pouring rain, hours of waiting -- all for a finger stick. She also had a feeding clinic appointment, so we had to leave and go through the traffic, road construction, an hours of waiting all again -- all for a finger stick (luckily the rain was done by the second time we went up there). I was NOT humored! Twice! But, Avery did get to climb on the amimals a couple of times, so I guess it wasn't a total loss.

At the feeding clinic appointment Avery was a superstar. She sat in her chair and colored and "read" books for 40 of the 50 minutes we were there, and then even for the last 10 minutes she was pretty darn good. The doctor gave her a sticker! I figured she'd earned at least a Costco-size box of popsicles -- or a piece of chocolate cake for her afternoon snack. At least the chocolate cake was easy to get at the hospital cafe. And after sitting in traffic (again) for 45 minutes we veered off for a couple of rides on the carousel & some "Surf's Up" blue sherbet. Definitely the messiest ice cream possible!

Yes, even a blue nose!

Jordan was pooped from all the running around. She had a LOT of seizures today, and the Ketogenic diet was high on the list of topics at feeding clinic. Her neuro appointment is next week, so we'll know more after that. Until then we're going to consider a blenderized diet of real food, so we'll see how that goes. Having
Compleat is soooooooo easy, and I'm such a menace in a kitchen, but real food will be better for her, and is a lot more economic, to say the least.

On Sunday Avery & I went out to the Vancouver fish hatchery to see the fish & do a little exploring. There weren't very many fish, but we had fun.

Avery got a kick out of feeding the trout. They jumped like crazy. Good thing for their tummies we grabbed the last handful of food, or she would have kept feeding them for hours.

The entrance to the hatchery had some great basalt columns as art. Basalt columns are very common around here in parks, in many different forms, thanks to the
Columbia River Basalts of eastern Washington that flowed all the way down here.

You can put a kid in front of a camera lens, but you can't make her smile. . . .

Finally, a faint grin

Saturday night after smores Devon and I were trying to play a game of Scrabble, with a little help. Here Avery spelled "beavin" with Devon's letters, for a record of 102 points. She was really tricky to use the diagonal spots to get maximum points, don't ya think.

The Scrabble game came to a halt when we were interrupted by the air conditioner flood in the basement. Luckily, Galen & Devon were able to fix it the next day.

Drip, drip, drip, right out of the condenser onto the floor, and under the carpet. . . .

Monday afternoon best friends Avery & Kate got to hang out eating Dilly Bars and splashing around the water feature at Esther Short Park. Note the basalt columns again.

Twisted Sister (as aunt Jill calls her). She's sleeping hard here -- in this kittywampus position, just like every other night. It looks uncomfortable, but honestly, the more uncomfortable it looks, the more comfortable she is.

Super bubble bath beauty.

Sierra just loves all of Jordan's equipment, especially the soft stuff.

Still painting, painting, painting. I finally got the outside of the house done, and hung up the 1309 to mark the occasion. Now I'm working through the upstairs inside. . . .

1 comment:
Love that orange-y color on the bottom pic!
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