25 June 2007

Lucky For You. . .

. . . you can't smell through a computer. We've had quite an array over the last few days, and I honestly don't know which one was worse: Barf IN Devon's 6-year-old sneaker, or this little job Jordan pulled on Friday morning in the car. First, I put her in the carseat, and within 2 minutes she had pooped so bad Avery and I had to roll the windows down not to gag. Shortly after she tilted her head back and barfed like the water fountains at Bellagio. Nice. I didn't know where to start, so I just unstrapped the whole car seat and carried her into the tub. She was NOT happy about getting showered off layer at a time, but within a little less than an hour we were both washed, dried, and dressed, and all the soft parts of the carseat were in the washing machine. Then it was time to clean up the seat in the van. . . .

That's the red blanket "protector" at her feet -- believe it or not, most of the barf was wrapped up in that. But, hey, a blanket can only absorb so much, there is a saturation point for everything. . . .
Notice the poop on her leg and on the car seat -- and I haven't even started on the diaper. Yep, you guessed it, there was even poop in her hair by the time I got her outta there. Ahhhh, that feels better. I think I'll just take a nap here while mommy sorts out this mess.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lesie

I love reading about your adventures. I have a secret for fixing the "barf in the car (or other places)" aroma (all 3 of my kids get car sick) that you may not have heard of. I keep a box of baking soda under the front seat. When something unfortunate falls out of one of the kids it takes care of the smell instantly. First you get rid of whatever you can with a paper towel or something else, then sprinkle the baking soda on what is left, you let it dry and then vaccume it out later.

Susanne Tata

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I am really hoping this doesn't happen to you on the plane tomorrow! Good luck on your trip. I will be thinking about you and give you a call tomorrow night. XO! Julie