15 June 2007

Picture Perfect

Okay, I admit it. Jordan will be 18 months old in a couple of weeks, and until Sunday I didn't have a single framed picture of the poor girl -- or of Avery since the fall of 2005. Gazillions of pics, none framed to admire. I long ago designated our stairway as our "Hall of Family" -- and a few close friends, too.

It only took 5 nights and shopping at 6 stores to get all the frames I wanted (and now I have some returns to take back at 4 of the stores -- it really was a bit of an overwhelming job, and I had to have just the right "tools" to choose from. But, the worst of it is over (deciding which pics to frame, then which ones go in which frame). Now I just have to get them all hung up! But for now I'll sit back and enjoy the completion of Phase I.

During. . . .
. . . and after!
Still a couple to finish up, but I haven't ordered the prints yet. At least I know what I want to go in them.
Our annual pumpking patch pictures frame a huge find in the bargain bin at Ross! Not only was it on clearance, it matches our kitchen floor tiles almost exactly!

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

WOW! I have one framed photo of jack, one of Jasper and one of our wedding. Guess I am not real good at that either. I have never thought of that before.