19 June 2007

The Balance Of The Universe

Jordan's been so "healthy" lately (knock on wood, tile, drywall, what ever's nearest) that something had to give. Apparently, there must be a constant level of snot in our family, so if Jordan doesn't have it, the rest of us do! Avery was a bit sick last week, but it was hardly noticeable. Devon's throat was sore enough to send him to the doctor on Wednesday, who said to wait it out 10 more days, it was probably viral and would pass. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. My throat is so sore I want a throat-ectomy, since my tonsils are already gone (at age 28 -- OUCH!!). I can't believe how much ibuprofen can actually help with a sore throat, but it does -- in case you need to know that. I'm also dragging a vaporizer around with me, that seems to help, too, although it's not particularly dry that I notice. And I'm totally wiped out. I think I might have conjunctivitis, too -- although my eye is red & somewhat swollen, luckily it's not goopy. And through all of this, Jordan seems to be doing well. She sounds a little gunky, but she's not coughing very much and we've hardly used the sucko-machine but a couple of times per day over the last week.

Although she did have a rough vomiting day yesterday while we were up on the hill, but that didn't seem to be related to a cold -- I'm not sure what that's related to. Oh well, she was much better today.


1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Wow, you guys have been busy- as usual. Love the tram ride and Avery's hair cut.
Get well for Alaska!! I don't want you sick or contagious up here next week. xox Jul