24 June 2007

That Crazy Weather

It just can't decide if it wants to be hot or cold or rainy here, and it's almost July. I hope we have a long, hot summer into September this year, after the cool start we've had so far. I keep forgetting it's June!

This has definitely had an affect on our activities -- including Avery's painting. One day it's "hippy-fest" out on the deck*, the next day we're confined to the art table in the house while the dime-sized rain drops pelt away outside. Personally, I'm THRILLED that Avery has taken to using 6 or more paintbrushes while painting. For awhile, even though she had that many, she would only use one, and everything would end up brown. Today she made this rainbow birdhouse all by herself -- and barely mixed the paints at all.

*Hey, I have enough laundry work (and believe me, I go through bottles and bottle of stain remover each month) that Avery is not allowed to paint in her clothes. Usually she takes them off and wears a painting smock (aka hospital gown), but mid-week it was warm enough that she wouldn't put it on and decided to paint in the nude.

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