24 June 2007

Hall Of Family

Or, as Devon calls it, the "cheap Italian restaurant" look. Hey, I've been to expensive Italian restaurants that have walls just the same!

Getting all these photos hung up was a major accomplishment for me. It's a project that's been niggling away at me for months. I could hardly say the words "I want to work on my pictures" before Devon was rolling his eyes & commenting that I would never be done with it. I guess in a way he's right, but this I have promised to myself: I will NEVER get 18 months behind in keeping up with my pictures again!! For 2 months I've been doing pretty well at keeping up, and it's going to stay that way.

Only one problem now -- I'm pretty much out of wall space down the stairs. Hmmmmm, where to next in the house. . . .

Yes, yes, yes, I am a bit picture obsessive -- if you hadn't guessed by now! I fully admit it, and I don't care. I love looking at the pictures of my family & friends.


Astrid said...

I'm usually good at doing most things - but putting pictures into frames isn't one of them .... It looks great and I am totally Jealous!

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I looks beautiful! I am so behind on photos. I should do that soon!
I wish I could see it close up. Love it!