03 June 2007


Devon & Jordan are down at the ER, again, trying to figure out why Jordan just can't snap out of her cold. She's had ear infections, amoxicilan, fluid on her ears, now thrush & what looks like a very sore throat -- all because of her terrible cold. Usually she's over it by now, but not this time. I just wish I knew what to do to get her to snap out of it.

I talked to Devon a little while ago & I'm glad to report that her oxygen levels were 97% and her lung x-rays were clear. They were just getting ready to draw blood to see if they can find anything there.

She's so miserable it's wearing her out. I'm worn out from very little sleep & a million things to do (which has kept me from updating the blog a lot lately). But for now I'm going to take advantage of a Jordan-free night and get a little extra sleep -- I hope. If Avery decides to sleep in I could get a lot of extra sleep. . . hmmmm, where's the pre-school Lunesta? (JUST KIDDING!!)

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I am so sorry Leslie! WHat a pain! And poor Jordan having to put up with all that nose wiping. Jack just finished a round of Augmentin. My nurse friend said that there are a lot of Amoxocilan resistent bacterias out there... could that contribute to the problem? Good luck figuring it all out!