18 March 2007

Busy As A Bee

[Here are some shots I got of a big, fuzzy bumble bee on our door today]

It was a busy week, as usual. The weather was nice for the last part of the week, which meant lots of swinging and playing outside for Avery, and lots of yard work for Devon. When not swinging or playing, Avery is the "supervisor" -- her duties include talking your ear off, and riding around in the wheelbarrow, [because Devon needs a little more exercise than just raking, weeding, sawing (branches from winter storms), and shoveling (gravel from the side of the house that is now on it's way to being nice, luxurious grass soon, I hope)].

Here's Avery "supervising" Emma & her friend Bri while they wash Emma's car. Every time Avery sees Emma she starts up a somewhat never-ending conversation with her -- usually yelling across the cul-de-sac from our porch. Avery thinks Emma's a pretty neat neighbor!A girl can really work up an appetite being such a diligent supervisor. She was so hungry today she decided to try to eat Devon's PB & banana sandwich (with crust), and leave the sissy flower sandwich for him. Her eyes proved bigger than her stomach, and Devon got her crust scraps in the end.

Even Jordan gets in on the action now, with her all-terrain wheelchair. Yesterday we were in the yard for so long she actually got a faint sunburn. At least she's not quite as white as a ghost now. She's really getting more and more comfortable in the wheelchair, which is nice.

Today Devon & Jordan did the grocery shopping (I'm not sure how, exactly), while Avery & I went to neighbor Sean's 6th birthday party at JJJump. I think most of the parents were more tired (& sweaty) than the kids, but we all had fun! Yesterday Sean rang the doorbell mid-afternoon and asked "I was wondering if Avery wanted me to come play in her back yard?" -- Sure, I said, head on back there, and soon Galen & Sarah came over to enjoy the fun, too. They're all different ages, but they're really learning to play well together. Yeah!

Sean, Devon, Sarah, & Galen, relaxing on the deck.
On Friday Avery went to her daycare St. Patrick's Day party. She tried to win the prize for "Most Green Worn" -- here she is posing on the way: Green shirt, pants, socks, underwear, fingernails, toenails, eyeshadow, and ponytail holders. She even got to count the green flowers on her jacket and stripes on her boots.
Not to be outdone, Devon dressed Jordan in his own concoction -- green & lavender striped shirt, green, purple, & orange checkered pants. [Note, those are actually squares, not "checkers," as Avery will correct you.]
Ahhhh, Sunday night date night. For the last couple of weeks Avery has had a slumberparty at nana Noma's on Sunday night, and Devon & I (& Jordan) head out for a nice relaxing dinner. Tonight we loaded up the new minivan, the wheelchair, and Jordan, and went for the maiden "gear" voyage (earlier today we were all in it at the same time for the first time, but no wheelchair). We went down to the Widmer Brothers brewhouse in Portland, one of our favorite spots. Good food, good beer, & no ban on kids. And there was even room for Jordan's wheelchair.
After about 1000 plate crashes from the kitchen, we couldn't take it any more and had to hold Jordan. Every time a dish clanked in the kitchen she would nearly jump out of her skin. It was like torture, and I certainly had never noticed before how frequently things crash and clank in a restaurant.
An evening stroll, to the car.
All settled in to her new throne. And the wheelchair just slides right in, no folding and a little lifting necessary. Good thing Avery likes having the whole back seat to herself.

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Good for you guys getting a night out! I need a Nana nearby : ).
I am sooo jealous of your lack of snow. It will get up to 10 degrees today!