30 March 2007


When my mom was a little girl she lived in Tonapah, Nevada, and had a burro named Jackson. When I was a little girl we lived on the family farm (Double "D" [Driver's Dairy] Farm) and had a burro named Tonapah*. Tonapah was a wonderful pet, but sometimes very odd. One of my strongest memories of her is her 6:00am wake-up call, every morning!

Leslie & Tonapah, circa 1982
Now Jordan seems to think she's Tonapah, but 2 minutes earlier. Every morning for the past 5 days she's woke up screaming at 5:58am -- exactly. Now, I know kids can really get comfortable in a schedule, but this is a little ridiculous. Luckily it just takes a diaper change and a burp to get her back to sleep. I'm sure it won't last. As soon as a kid is into a schedule, they're out of it and onto another. Hopefully it's one for the better.

*She was adopted from the Grand Canyon in the early 1980s, and lived with us until 2 years ago, when the Driver's sold the family farm. She then went to live with my old friend Rami's horse. She always likes to keep a horse company. Rami & I have known each other since early elementary school in Cusick.

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