05 March 2007

"March"ing Into Spring

Not much new to report. It'll be nice to have some extra weeks of daylight saving time this year, but I guess my Outlook calendar is going to be off by an hour for 3 weeks. . . .

Devon is really into yard work these days, and our yard needs it. Part of his motivation is cutting things down. Here he is with his new handsaw, taking down the dying, straggly tree in front of Avery's bedroom window.
Note, it did NOT knock off his beer when it fell (nor did any branches hit Jordan, who was just feet away in her stroller).
Admiring his handiwork, and contemplating the tree rot, rescued beer in hand.
Here's the freaky new thing in the house: Pretend Mo-Mo (his actual name)! Since she's having a hard time making friends with real Mojave, she got her own. I catch Pretend Mo-Mo out of the corner of my eye, then flinch whenever I see the real Mojave move in a different location. Here they are sharing a view of the night sky (or probably Sammy squirrel on the deck). Avery is making progress with the real Mojave, though. He so loves to be petted while he eats, he's even starting to let Avery pet him at that time, if she's quiet, soft, & gentle.
Avery learned how to vacuum on Sunday, after tracking dried mud all over the house by wearing her boots inside, for no particular reason. She did a good job. Yeah! I see potential.
Poor Jordan. Avery thought she should wear the duck jammies the other night. She barely fit, so at least she won't have to do that again. Here she is snuggled up under the duck blankie, too.

Role reversal: I got up early and made pancakes for Saturday morning breakfast -- and Devon slept in. Note: I got up early. Note: I made pancakes. Extra Note: See the smiley faces, and even the "A" for Avery in them. Yep, I'm honing in on my grandpa John's famous pancake design!


Astrid said...

Go slave labour and apparently if you have Service Pack 2 installed for XP it should correct the time change to be this coming weekend...

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

How do you make those designs! Way cool. I am totally jealous of your snowless yard. We can't hope to be until June!