07 March 2007

I Just Never Imagined

Devon is in Irvine for a couple of days, so the girls and I are on our own. Since our gorgeous spring weather turned to rain today, I told Avery we'd go over to the indoor "jumble gym" today, which just happens to be the play structure at the new Burger King a couple miles away.

But, by the time we headed out for this, I needed some food, and decided to give Jordan's new wheelchair its trial run out & about. So we went all the way to east Vancouver, practically Camas, to try out a deli that came strongly recommended (for good reason). Avery was still poking away at her PB & banana sandwich from lunch (which, by the way, she was also working on for 3:00 o'clock snack today too -- she wasn't very hungry today I guess), so when we got there, she didn't want to eat, but was bursting with energy and absolutely mauling the booth, climbing around all over & under, going crazy to get over to the "jumble gym."

As we were driving back towards home & the new "King Burger," a very impatient Avery actually asked me 1. if we were lost, and 2. "Are you sure we're not on a field trip?" No kidding. Where does she get this stuff?!?!?!

Finally we got there & ordered a chocolate milkshake and a strawberry milkshake to earn the right to play on the jumble gym. Avery could not have cared less about the jumble gym at that point for 2 reasons: Kate wasn't there, and milkshakes were. I barely got her go down the slide 3 times. All she wanted to do was mix strawberry & chocolate milkshakes in her mouth (and eat abandoned french fries off the table next to us -- yuk! I think she only got a bite of one before I stopped her).

So, there we were, Jordan barfing on her new wheelchair (I think she's not adjusting well to the Prevacid addition & Zantac deletion, but we're supposed to give it a couple of weeks), Avery sucking down milkshakes at a rate to rival her dad's, and me wondering how I got to this point in my life where a "night out" with the girls is at Burger King. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the Kid Kart is working well for Jordan. We're waiting on the arrival of Aidan's Tiger 2000 snug seat. I can't wait to have something that gives him the support he needs, plus he needs it for when school starts in September. It's funny how life changes when you have a special needs child and a "night out" means hanging out with your kids. We had many of those nights when my husband was deployed overseas for a year.