30 January 2007

Plugging Along

I'm on a little break from the hospital while nana Noma gets some Jordan snuggles. After a couple of pretty bad, somewhat scary days on Saturday, Sunday & Monday, by Monday night she was starting to snap out of it. She finally got some food in her tummy on Monday afternoon, and, like magic, she had so much energy she was finally able to cough and get some of her own mucous out (instead of only being suctioned -- like bailing out a sinking boat with a straw, basically).

She's still on a little bit of oxygen, and we've been taking it off as possible (about 1 hour at a time). She's not going home until she's totally off the oxygen, clears away alot of the mucous, and gets some strength back. It will probably be a few more days.

On top of all this RSV stuff, we're killing two birds with one stone & getting her 48-hour EEG out of the way. Can you say "too many cords." Ugh, it makes it pretty hard to pick her up and hold her, but at least we're not going to have to go back later for another stay.

On arrival at the ER, before becoming a human pin cushion again.
Getting mommy kisses while getting an IV (3 hours, ~12 pokes).
Finally, some peace & quiet while we wait for our room upstairs. Check out the fancy blanket the ER nurse gave Jordan (yes, that's a scratchy hand towel). Good thing we were all too tired to argue about it.

Feeling great with all that extra oxygen. Well, great is a relative term, I suppose.

Snuggles with daddy in our fancy corner room.

The view from our corner room (the Freemont Bridge & Forest Park in the background).
Super snot!
How many cords could she possibly have? Don't feed the animals


Kim, Wil and Jamie said...

Glad to hear the wee lass has turned the corner. Sending our love and hope Jordan gets out of hospital soon. Kim, Wil and Jamie xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Jordan! I think it is worse on you guys than her, but she still looks like she has had enough and too tired to argue! Glad they got all the snot sucked out! Don't they have blankets in that hospital???