20 February 2008

Recent Stuff Around The House

Brother & sister (Mojave & Sierra) resting on the recently re-stuffed bean bag
Later, Jordan's pink kitty ended up on the bean bag, so Sierra snuggled with it for awhile. Mojave was a bit mad because there wasn't really room for him. Oh well, he just went to hang out in the kitchen sink again, his new favorite place in the house.
Avery wanted to be just like Sierra, so she crawled up on the bean bag to snuggle with the pink kittyTime to change Jordan's button. Now that's a piercing!
Jordan has really gotten into eating through the mesh bag. Favorites are bananas and avocados, but sometimes she gets sweet potatoes, too. She's not very good at it, but that doesn't stop her from fussing for a snack, or going to town on it when she gets it. This is a recent avocado snack


Kelly said...

You're brave posting those pics of the button change! My readers would have a FIT on me! LOL! :)

Katie said...

Leslie, it's so wonderful to see Jordan eating from the feeder thing! She is just so, SO beautiful. Really.