24 February 2008

A Long, Sickly Weekend

At least I don't have to leave the house tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. to get Jordan down to Shriner's Hospital by 5:30 a.m. I got used to the hip surgery postponement pretty quickly when I saw how wiped out Jordan has been from the t-tube placement and adnoidectomy on Friday. She's just not one of those "bounce back quickly" kids. She's been doing fine, but coughing a fair bit, and it sounds painful. And she's slept & slept the days away, and is hovering in the feverish range pretty constantly (although no alarming high temps, thankfully). The worst part is that when I have to put the special drops in her ears, and when she wakes up most of the time she has "owee-face" -- and she doesn't make that face for just anything! She's getting a pretty constant stream of Tylenol, and it seems to help. She hasn't had any drainage or blood, so that's great! And, I might be getting a bit ahead of myself, but she doesn't seem to have as much mucus as before, either. Yippee! That will be wonderful if that pans out to be real -- really worth postponing the hip surgery for the sake of breathing.

I am fairing about as well, thanks to a nasty head cold. Thank goodness my throat isn't sore -- that's the worst! But my sinuses are stuffed & my head is achy because of it, so Jordan & I have been kinda pathetic together all weekend. At least Devon & Avery don't have any signs of a cold on the horizon for them.

At least I have the calendar cleared for the week, so hopefully things won't be too hectic around here -- for once -- it certainly has been a crazy busy month!

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