20 February 2008

Beautiful Girls -- Day 3

On Friday we spent the day with friends Safaa, Maddie, & new baby Kate (6 weeks old). Most of the time we were at Chuck E. Cheese, trying to get the girls fed & wear them out at the same time. But, the weather & light were sooooooo nice that when we got back to their house I couldn't help but take the camera out for a few shots. There was so much more light than I'm used to, so some of them are a bit overexposed, but I don't care. I love what it says about the day.

Avery & Maddie showing off the valentines barrettes they bought with their carnival tickets
Kate, Safaa, & Maddie
The many faces of baby Kate -- at only 6-weeks old. Isn't she gorgeous!
Maddie (age 3.75 years)
Avery's lace chicken project
Jordan soaking up the sun

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