04 January 2008

New "Hobbies"

One of my most recent hobbies, or obsessions rather, is cloth diapering. I've spent hours on the internet researching which cloth diapers will be best for Jordan. For some reason it took me this long to get into the groove. I guess I've finally decided that laundry is also one of my hobbies, so why not. Also, now that most diapers are full of piddle, and not poo, it really isn't that messy. I've got a few different types, and am trying to figure out what is going to work and what isn't. So far, so good, except at night. I guess it's not too many kids that get 25 ounces of liquid food during the night -- which is the longest stretch she goes without getting changed. We tried a bamboo fitted diaper with a wrap one night, and her bed was like a swimming pool soon after. I've got a hemp liner & 10 more in the mail, which are supposed to be super-absorbent, so we'll see how that goes. Otherwise I'm waiting for other styles to arrive, and using Chinese diaper service quality prefolds & wraps, which work well for a change every couple of hours.

From top left: Chinese pre-fold, bamboo fitted, white wrap, and frog pond wrap.

I always intended, before Avery was born, on using cloth diapers. But at some point when I was pregnant with her I read a review that said it was too much hassle, and when I got on-line I was confused & overwhelmed with the options. So, I thought, I'll switch to cloth later, once we get the parenting thing down (now there's a topic for a whole other blog, eh?). Now, here it is 4 years later, and I'm finally making the switch (and Avery's been out of diapers for 1.5 years). Oh well, better late than never. I guess the idea of having to use diapers forever with Jordan finally hit, and I figured I better get unconfused & underwhelmed soon. Unfortunately, I've only found one place in Vancouver that carries cloth diaper supplies (thanks Terry), and they are brand new at it, so the selection is slim. I've also had some help with a few friends (thanks Kim & Julie!) and an online shop owner. But we're already using the new cloth diapers over half of the time. And many more are on the way.

Another "time-killer" has been transferring our entire CD collection to the Zune. Yikes. I'm about half-way done, and just hit the 20 GB mark. So, all said, we will use up ~40 GB, leaving 40 more for NEW music. Yippee -- I can't wait to move into the modern era of music. I'm feeling so 'out of it' these days.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Don't you just LOVE those SWWraps? :)

And as far as keeping her from soaking the bed, you can get a wet pad for that. We use those with Michaela even though she's in diapers. It has saved me from changing the whole bed numerous times. There are 2 kinds I've used: the crib-sized rubber mats (with the chintzy baby designs on them), and some cloth chux-pad type thingies that I got from an elderly woman who's incontinent husband passed away. I like those the best because they're softer. I think you could check with a local nursing home to see if they use them and where they get them.

You can also look into diaper doublers. They add extra bulk where you need it.

If you need any resources in this field, let me know!