31 January 2008

In Good Hands

The January 2008 edition of Portland Monthly is out, and the cover story is "Top Docs '08." More than 8000 Portland area physicians were asked: Which doctor would you call if you or a loved one needed medical care? The doctors voted for up to 2 physicians in each of 48 specialties, then the statistically significant number of votes appropriate in each category were determined. In the end there were 329 physicians in 48 specialties named as the Top Doctors of 2008 in the Portland Area.

So, how did Jordan's medical team fare? Very well, thank you very much. Her pediatrician, gastroenterologist, 2 neurologists, physiatrist, orthopedic surgeon, and nephrologist all made the list as top in their fields. The only ones that didn't are her opthamologist, geneticist, & metabolocist and they didn't have categories for pediatric opthamology, genetics, or metabolics. I would be willing to bet that they would be on the list if those categories existed.

We have had a couple of doctors we've fired because we didn't like them, and believe it or not, I didn't see their names on the lists, either! I really do feel like we are in good hands with Jordan's medical team, and I am thankful for that.

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Wow! That is impressive! You guys have done very well!