05 September 2007

Trying Not To Jinx It

Well, I hope this post doesn't jinx it -- but we have a plan to come home! Thursday morning Jordan will be discharged, and Thursday afternoon we have a meeting with the nursing agency to get some in-home nursing set up for her. We have cleared some enormous hurdles over the last 17 days, and the next big one is going to be getting nursing staff here. Her discharge orders say that she must have in-home nursing, but the nursing agency says it only has staff right now for 2 days per week. We'll take it, and when other nurses become available, we'll take those, too.

Of course I'm not sure how I'm going to handle having someone else in the house, but at least it will only be a few hours of a few days a week to start with. I can say with certainty that over the last 17 days I've come along way with learning to let others take care of Jordan. I've spent at least two-thirds of the nights at home, and even a few days. And she's doing just fine. At first when she was really very sick & seizing a lot I couldn't bear to leave her, but now that she's stabilized a bit I'm feeling better about leaving her with the nurses at the hospital. Of course it's not ideal, but neither is anything health-wise with Jordan.

In other news, Jill is on her way to Spokane to see our dad, so I'll be getting a good update tomorrow from her on how he is doing. He was moved out of the ICU on Monday evening, and is doing PT to get the use of his right side back. Devon also is due back tomorrow from the big father/son fishing trip on Vancouver Island. I'm sure he'll have lots of fish stories to tell.

So, keep your fingers crossed that I didn't just jinx us, so that Devon AND Jordan will be home by tomorrow evening!


Kim, Wil and Jamie said...

Fingers crossed hun, fingers crossed. Thats really great news. Hoping it all works out:-) Give Jordan a cuddle from us.

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Fingers and Toes.