18 September 2007

Same Old Same Old

Wouldn't ya know it. No nurses for 4 days, and now Jordan's back at the Hotel Emanuel! Bleck. She was doing okay (despite the ear infection) on Saturday, but on Sunday & Monday she was looking pretty pale & acting very lethargic -- never a good sign. And so it began about 01:30 am -- the coughing and the retching. By noon I had her at the pediatrician's office, and she wrote all the orders there. We walked onto the floor & checked in in record speed. Even nurses I didn't know remembered Jordan (from before her discharge just 12 days ago). Her ped was worried about a bacterial pneumonia, but so far the results of the x-ray, blood work, and urine analysis don't suggest an infection (perhaps the Amoxicillin for the ear infection was doing it's job). So, now she's NPO (no food), and we're going to give her GI system a break to see if she can get some strength back. She's so pathetic when she's this sick she doesn't even seem to seize, or squirm due to her hypersensitive sensory system. Hmmm, it's hard to imagine wanting those things back, but I do!


Mauni said...

Sorry that you are back at "Hotel Emmanuel" Hope that this stay is a short one.

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Geeze Leslie! My heart goes out to you. Every little thing hits Jordan so hard. Lots of love and nurses coming your way (I hope!!).