14 August 2007

Wonder Mixer

We got our Vita-Mix 5000 today. Devon & Avery were making themselves smoothies within 3 minutes, and as Devon turned it on he exclaimed "my god, how come we haven't had one of these until now?!" I think I'll have to keep an eye on eBay for some of the dry accessories -- apparently you can even make bread in these things!

For Devon & Avery it's milk, yogurt, ice, strawberries, & bananas.
Despite Devon's enthusiasm, this is actually a prescription item for Jordan's blenderized diet (not that our insurance paid for it, but Vita-Mix does provide them at a special rate with a prescription). I've been slowly practicing with the ol' Hamilton Beach. Last night I got a little over enthusiastic and added some flax seed meal, which didn't get blended down enough & I fought blockages in the tubing all day until we strained them out. Otherwise I'd been using liquids & baby foods only.

Jordan's blend, a little more all-inclusive: rice milk, apple juice, turkey, squash, molasses, flax seed oil, flax seed meal, oatmeal, blueberries, tomato, & corn

I still used some baby foods tonight, but I also got a little crazy and added fresh blueberries, a small whole tomato, and some frozen corn. I let it run for ~5 minutes and it was very liquid, but it was also HOT!! I guess we'll have to take that into account for the future.


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Yum! Can I put an order in for a frothy iced coffee drink? Skinny, no whip!

liz.mccarthy said...

How funny, I've posted pictures of our VitaMix too! when it becomes such a "normal" part of your life....Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you, I"m so sorry Jordon is still in the hospital and you are having all of yourinsurance woes....

A Blenderized Diet Group member....
