Back in the old days, while an undergraduate at
WSU, I worked for the Forest Service in the summers putting out forest fires, and cutting down trees when there weren't any fires. After 3.5 months of this each summer, it took me weeks to get back into the student & roommate groove again. My dear friend Heather used to laugh at me, because I would always shower at night (easier with 4 women in the house), but I never really felt like I had "earned" a shower -- one really doesn't get too dirty just going to classes & labs, even if the labs are full of
rocks. I mean, after even just one day in the woods, I could see the dirt washing down the drain in the shower each evening after work.
Well, today was one of those days, and when I jumped in the shower at 9:30pm, I had really earned it! The day started off slowly; Jordan and I hung out to wake up on our own time while Devon & Avery headed over to nana Noma's for the great raccoon-capade
*. But after lunch I really got going.
Noah, Eric, Reyna, Makayla, & Avery check him out. 
It started off with de-mossing the duck barn roof, which lead to cutting down a few branches, which lead to cutting down a few more, which eventually lead to cutting down the whole tree that was shading the roof & causing the moss to grow. Actually, the tree is technically in the neighbor's yard, but he told Devon awhile ago we could cut it as much as we want. Eventually I ended up in his yard picking up limbs, and he offered me his chain saw, so I just took it all -- you can't even see the stump under the ivy now.
Devon had to help out with the one branch I just couldn't seem to get to. He's often not too happy to be in such a dubious position, but he didn't seem to mind getting to chop down part of this tree. 

All down on the ground. Phew!
It's such a forest in our yard that you can hardly tell a whole tree is missing. I looked for some comparison pictures, but the only ones I have that show that part of the barn are during snow storms, and the tree is impossible to see because it has no leaves. 
After the tree was down I went over to nana Noma's to fetch Avery from her day of adventure, and decided to finish cleaning the eaves for her. The front of her house was a bit easier than the back (last weekend's task), but this time I DID get stung by a wasp. Bugger! Just one, which was amazing considering the size of the nest I disturbed by sticking my hand in the gutter.
After dinner I went back to limbing the tree & getting it ready to go to the recycling facility tomorrow, and worked until it was dark. I guess I'll have to get the last section of the roof de-mossed tomorrow, as well as finish bucking the logs with the chainsaw when I can see.
Boy did that shower feel good tonight!
*Nana Noma's garden has been under siege lately. After months and months of work, all the fruits of her labors are being destroyed by wildlife. The neighbor loaned her a trap, and after 6 squirrels trapped (and released in a nearby field), this morning she woke up to a raccoon! Avery & the neighborhood kids got quite a kick out of it.
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