A resident prescribed Rubinul last night & what a difference that has made. The attending & her pediatrician agreed, so she's getting an IV push of it every 3 hours, and it's like someone turned off the snot faucet. YEAH!!! I don't know much about it, but it seems like a miracle for her -- and it's preventing her coughing, too, so we'll take it.
Jordan always seems to get worse before she gets better, so I'm hoping that by tomorrow she'll be over the worst of it & on the mend. I'm really going to be bummed if we have to reschedule her feeding clinic/dietician appointment on Thurday, but it's starting to look that way.
I've had the whole night away from the hospital while Devon has been down there with Jordan, so I'm off to switch out for the night. I'm feeling strangely calm about the hospital thing this time, and enjoying the chance to get away in the evenings. I guess I'm getting used to it. I think I'm finally starting to see the big picture a little more clearly. And I guess that's a good thing, since the winter hasn't even started. . . .
This evening I got to visit with my dad & aunt Linda who are in town for a quick visit, and with Devon's parents grandma Linda & grandpa Earl, who jumped in the car & drove down to help out during the chaos. I know Jordan is in good hands with Devon, so I was able to relax and spend some time with Avery, too.
Now, if I could only round up that sneaky, dare-devil Mojave, who should be inside cuddling up for bed instead of getting beat up by the bully neighbor cats. Oh well, I digress in my sleep-deprived delirium. . . .
A post-fair/pre-hospital super bubble bath for the barf-master. We knew she was sick when even this didn't irritate her.
Michaela is on Robinul on a daily basis for her drooling. It comes in an injectable form called Glycopyrralate, and she gets it via g-tube 3 times a day.
It does a great job on the drooling when she's having good days, and definitely ebbs the flow on her bad days.
If you think Jordan could get some use out of this drug on a more regular basis, well, now you know it's possible! (ie: not just for hospital use)
Jordan! YOu are the mucas queen. Glad you finally found a miracle drug!
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