27 August 2007

Holding Pattern

We're still waiting for our insurance company & the nursing agency to get sorted out, so Jordan is still in the hospital getting suctioned every 2 minutes (or less if she is sleeping or if the Robinul has kicked in). Her seizures were worsening, so we increased her Tranxene, and although the frequency is about the same (~5 an hour), they're much milder now. I really don't feel like we're gaining any real control, and we're going to have to come up with something else sooner rather than later (VNS? Ketogenic Diet -- still no dietician in town).

As for me, I need to go get a tetanus shot tomorrow morning, thanks to a couple of scrapes & stepping on a nail during demolition. I can't remember having one since the fall of 1995, when I nearly lost a finger opening a can of cat food for my cat Louie.

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