Jordan was very agitated this evening, and the only thing we could think to do differently was to get her on her tummy! The nurses weren't exactly sure we should do it, but once we got her padded up and turned over it was clear she was dying for some tummy time.
The good news: She settled right down with a banana, and was asleep within ~15 minutes.
The bad news: Her cast is already wet with pee on the bottom side. Bleck. 3 days down, ~39 to go. . . . It's going to be a long ~6 weeks with that stinky thing. So, we're letting it airdry for awhile.

Avery brought Jordan a balloon today, and Jordan "played" with it for about 2 hours, until the nurses got irritated with it bonking them in the head whenever they came to take care of her. Now it's tied to her IV pole.

In anticipation of release tomorrow, I started getting the KidKart cleaned up and ready to try out with the spica cast tomorrow. I don't know if it'll work, but if not at least it's clean again. It was amazing some of the places I found Jordan barf once I started pulling layers off. Avery & I left Devon here for the afternoon, & took the cloth parts to nana Noma's to run through the washer.
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