31 October 2008

Trick Or Treat!

Ugh -- Halloween & rain! I was worried this morning when I saw the rain & clouds, but luckily as the day progressed the weather cleared up. It was even a nice temperature for trick-or-treating. Jordan went along, too, although I think she "gave" Avery all her candy. Avery, however, is willing to give things that have nuts & coffee (i.e. toffee) back to Jordan (so that she can have it in her blend -- NOT!) or "share" them with Devon since he's the one that took her to all those houses. I guess Devon's going to score all the unwanted loot.

Horsey Avery & her horse jack-o-latern
Horsey Avery & her "scary" jack-o-lantern
This horsey is an Arabian (like "the Black Stallion" -- her favorite character right now): see how its tail sticks out? Getting ready to go
Toucan Jordan
Devon dressed up as Paul Revere and went trick-or-treating with them
Okay, now it's late and things are getting silly! That miniature horse is too small for Paul to make his midnight ride!
Trick-or-treating at nana Noma'sA rest for the horse & the toucan on nana Noma's lapEnough of the toucan suit! Jordan was glad to be out of it.
Neighbor Sarah was a gorgeous princess (Devon made candy apples for us to give out, although I accidentally got the credit since I stayed home to pass them out -- our neighbors should know by now who the real cook is in this house. . . . )Neighbor Sean was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (and not at all interested in getting his picture taken. . . .)
Jordan decorated this pumpkin this afternoon (with help, of course)
The jack-o-lanterns waiting for the trick-or-treaters (we only had 7 -- about what we expected, since our neighborhood is full of cul-de-sacs, has few street lights, and no sidewalks, so only the few local kids show up)
I was very disappointed that the owl pumpkin didn't last very long this week. . . . UGH! Must have been the nice, warm weather