06 October 2008

The Travel Stops Here. . . .

Avery & I had an exciting trip to Orange County, Seaworld, and Legoland on Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday, then flew straight to Seattle where Jordan & Devon picked us up on the way to grandma Linda's 60th birthday weekend in Hope, B.C. Everywhere we went were "sicklies" -- seems a nasty cold has been circulating the west coast. Avery had a cough and a runny nose, as did our friends Kim, Wil, & Jamie in OC. And sure enough, by the time Jordan & Devon met us in Seattle Jordan was coughing non-stop!

But we persevered. We had a wonderful weekend in Hope with birthday girl grandma Linda, grandpa Earl, Linda's brothers uncle Larry & uncle Neil, Earl's sister & friend aunt Maureen & Jeff, and great-grandma Mavis (who turned 91 herself just today). Jordan coughed and sputtered and needed alot of suctioning, but she was holding her own.

Until early this morning . . . . We ended up cutting our trip short and heading straight home with "little miss blue lips." It was clear that Jordan was not breathing well through all the mucus, and as we drove we decided that we didn't just need to go home, we needed to go to the hospital. So, we waved at the house from I-5 as we drove another 10 miles past it into Portland tonight and checked Jordan in at her favorite children's ER. Her oxygen sats were low enough (83) to get her straight to a room, and combined with her blood gases (pH=7.29 & CO2=71) she's now on BiPAP and awaiting a spot in the PICU for the night. She's well hydrated and still tolerating her food, and they were able to start an IV fairly easily, so it could certainly be worse.

I guess the good news is that I'll have some time to get my photos organized and a couple of blogs posted about our recent adventures over the next day or two -- if I can get any sleep in the PICU, that is (no beds, just chairs that fold out almost straight).

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

My goodness. You guys seem to be incapable of having a good time unless somebody ends up in the hospital! I hope it is a short trip. I guess the mucus should be easier to clear this time.
All my love! xoxo