08 October 2008

Same Old Same Old

Mucus, suctioning, breathing treatments, mucus, suctioning, breathing treatments. . . you get the picture. And lots of sleeping, quietly I might add (thanks to last month's tonsillectomy, but that's a different "Hotel Emanuel" story).

Jordan is doing okay -- nothing major, just a cold (nothing cultured out yet at 24 hours, and her x-ray is still clear of pneumonia). She just can't handle them like you and I, so we're still in the PICU, and she's still getting lots of attention to keep her breathing strong & regular. I went home tonight for some family time with Devon & Avery so I didn't get to talk to the intensivist, but I'm guessing we'll be here for a couple more days.

While I certainly appreciate the level of care she gets in the PICU, I am looking forward to a flat bed (cot) & a private bathroom out on the ward. Having to leave the PICU to use the outside bathroom keeps a 6.5-month pregnant lady hopping! I guess I can't complain too much, I did sleep like a babe in the old-fashioned blue chair the nurse took out of an empty PICU room. They definitely shouldn't have upgraded to the other chairs, they are much harder to get a good night's sleep in . . . .

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