11 September 2008

Oh Say Can You See -- The Election Booth

Inspired by the primaries & caucuses early in 2008, Devon decided to mail in his US citizenship paperwork in hope of getting to vote in the presidential election in November 2008. He's been following the campaign closer than anyone I know, and would definitely be one of the more educated voters, if only he could make the deadline & become a citizen in time to get registered to vote.

After diligently checking the mail each day for months, in July he got a somewhat cryptic note from Immigration & Naturalization Services (INS) saying he needed to be in Seattle on 9 September, and to bring a stack of paperwork with him. He also was expected to take his citizenship test on that day.

And, of course, with typical "Rowe luck" (it's not just for good parking spots, ya know) 9 September was just in time to get everything in order to register to vote. He passed the test with flying colors (100%) & is set to take his oath on Tuesday 16 September. Once the oath is complete he'll have a few weeks to head down to Clark County & register to vote. Just in the nick of time!

After the 16th, Devon will have dual citizenship in Canada & the US. And wouldn't you know it, Stephen Harper just called an election in Canada (that Devon won't be able to take part in, but also is following closely). Amazingly, that national election was called and will conclude in less time than the US election has from the end of the Democratic & Republican National Conventions. In fact, the Canadian election will be on 14 October, and campaigning will only last 36 days. I personally wish that our campaigns only lasted 36 days, but that's another story entirely. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where will Devon's swearing it take place? jaynie