12 September 2008

Moisture & Healing

With a tonsillectomy, mouth moisture is the key to healing quickly. This seemed to me like it would be a problem with Jordan, since she really won't tolerate much in her mouth, and I expect she'll tolerate even less with a sore throat due to the surgery.

But good news! Because of her g-tube, we are able to keep feeding her & giving her water, which is preventing her from getting dehydrated, and keeping her mouth moist with saliva & secretions. Much to my relief, moisture does not seem to be a problem!

Jordan had some serious pain killers today, so she slept most of the day. She was awake for a few hours this evening and was clearly in pain. She was very stiff the whole time she was awake, and holding her breath or breathing shallowly (and trying not to cough), so her oxygen saturations were low. She's been on and off a low dose of oxygen all day, but it's very similar to what normally happens when she's in the hospital. Hopefully she'll be able to head home in the morning & we'll have the rest of the weekend to enjoy the great weather and the visit with grandma Linda & grandpa Earl, who arrived late this evening for a quick weekend visit.

Now, if we could just do something about that horrible "tonsillectomy scab" breath!

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Sometimes it is the little things!