18 May 2008

Sunny Days

I guess the week has come and gone. Jordan is pretty much recovered from her pneumonia, and life is getting back to normal.

This weekend we did "divide & conquer" as we didn't have a nurse for Jordan and it was too hot to take her out & about. Devon & Avery walked down to the Hazel Dell parade on Saturday morning, then did yard work together for most of the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately, not being used to the sunshine, both Devon & Avery had a bit of a lobster look going. . . . OUCH!

Here are a few favorites from the parade
Here comes the band -- which frequently caused Avery to put her hands over her ears.
Apparently she only got excited when she saw the horses

Meanwhile, Jordan & I enjoyed the cool air conditioning while I finished up some projects inside the house. I had to get ahead on a few things before Devon leaves us, and the impending rain, for a week in sunny SoCal. Typical! He'd rather be here in the rain. . . .

Jordan is a good project partner, when she can stay awake

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