14 May 2008

Catchin' Up

Well, being home has certainly kept us busy. Sleep exhaustion ruled the weekend -- no matter what they say, hospitals are not restful places, especially if you're the parent. So Mother's Day on Sunday couldn't have come soon enough. I got to sleep in, had a wonderful breakfast in bed (with Avery who thought that was the coolest thing ever, so of course she joined me), and then I kicked her out and slept a little more. The rest of the day I just tried to relax and catch up a bit from being gone, then we rounded out the day with a dinner at the Outback with nana Noma.

Monday & Tuesday came and went in a blur, but today was the killer of the week. Thankfully it's over. We started off with a pediatrician follow-up at 10:15am in Portland, gastroenterologist at 11:00 (at a different Portland hospital, no less), speech & occupational therapy at 1:00pm at the hospital here in Vancouver, then back to Portland at 3:00pm for a meeting with the dietician. Then we zoomed home, dropped Jordan & Robin off at the house, grabbed Devon, and went to the Vancouver Early Childhood Center to see where Jordan will be going to pre-school after she turns 3 at the end of the year. Well, that's the idea, but I'm really not sure how Jordan's going to manage pre-school when the time comes. But, we might as well start gathering information about services in preparation, as she'll no longer be eligible for Early Intervention after she turns 3.

On the home front, other than some unexpected barfing, Jordan is getting better and stronger after all that pneumonia. Just in time for the good weather (finally). It's suppose to get up to 98'F (38'C) on Friday -- I CAN'T WAIT!!

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

WOW! That is way too hot but I am glad to hear that Jordan is on the mend.