31 May 2008

Prom In The Cul-De-Sac

It was prom night for neighbor Emma last night, and too much excitement for us to resist. After a few minutes of thinking about it, I convinced Avery to put on her Easter dress & go pose with the waiting, and waiting, and waiting limo (neighbor Marjory's idea -- a good one!). The driver was happy to let Avery pose for some pictures, and even let her crawl in the back & take a balloon to play with. Soon neighbors Sean & Sarah were in on the fun as well.

Finally, as Emma & her friends & their dates were getting ready to make their big appearance, we sat on Sean & Sarah's steps to watch the activities. The balloons helped pass the time.

When the girls finally came out in the fine dresses, Avery & Sarah were invited down to take a few pictures with them. There were lots of roses to go around, so Avery & Sarah got to keep theirs, too.

What a fun little evening in the cul-de-sac. Emma reports to have had fun at prom, too.

Emma and the girlsSean gets to smell the roses, too!

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