28 May 2008

Good Riddance!

Today was Jordan's first monthly appointment with her orthopedist to assess the usefulness of the Rhino brace. After we explained to him how much we all hated it, especially Jordan, who was actually moving it around & bending it so it was never in position, he told us we could stop using it. Hallelujah!! We left it in the garbage can in the exam room! He does seem a little worried about her popping her hip out of socket with her arching, but obviously the brace was not stopping her from doing that, so we will move on and try something else.

And that something else is Botox, which is now scheduled for 25 June. I can't wait to see how that works. We even talked to a parent at Shriners today that said Botox has made a huge positive difference with her son, so I'm hopeful.

In other good news, Jordan was fitted for her wheelchair last week & it has now been ordered. No word on how long that will take, but the worst case scenario seems to be 3 months, and hers will be pretty standard so it should be less than that. In the meantime she is going to get a "loaner," which we should get delivered as soon as early next week. Now that the brace is off we have no reason to leave her "lying" about the house. She was sitting up like a champ already today in her Kid Kart to and from occupational & speech therapies (although she's really outgrown that, and it's hard to keep a "noodle" seated without all the special tricks her new wheelchair will have).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what....no prom pictures yet? btw: i have some lovely ones of avery. :-) jaynie