15 December 2007

"Wise King" Avery

Avery, Kate, & their classmates at pre-school had their Christmas Program on Friday afternoon. First they did their caroling, then Avery got to be a "Wise King" in the Nativity portion of the program. Why are they usually referred to as the 3 "wisemen" -- except in the song "We Three Kings. . . " Anyway, she did a great job, as did all the children, and we really enjoyed it.

Kate is in the 2nd row up on the left, Avery on the right (with Jayda in between them)
Soon the carolers were joined by singing trees and SantasThe after-school kids participated, too.
The nativity scene
Wise King Avery peeks out from behind an angelKate after the program
Best friends relaxing after their first performance

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