09 January 2009

A Slow, Tiring, Recovery

Ahhhh, if only the rest of us could sleep like Jordan is! She seems to have a whopper of a cold (virual), and she's not snapping out of it as quickly as she usually does. I would have thought by today she'd be almost back to normal, but she's still in the PICU on forced oxygen, and sleeping pretty much all the time. They're weaning her off the oxygen slowly as she gets better, but I'm sure she'll be there at least few more days. Of course we just want her home!

Meanwhile, Devon & I are not getting much sleep at all! Birke is still on the eat every 2-3 hours "schedule" -- and I use that term generously, as he's not much of a schedule kid at all!! So I'm up all day and all night with him, and last night he decided he wanted to snack & party until 5:30am, so it was a particularly long night. Devon has been staying at the hospital with Jordan most of the time. He's been sleeping for a few hours at a time at night in the parents' room, and working during the day. Yesterday he had a very long day in Olympia & Seattle, which cut into his sleep time even more. If only Jordan could share a little of her sleep with us!


Astrid said...

Birke isn't a schedule kid? I wonder who he gets that from ;P Happy to report by the 6 week mark Stewart has finally settled into a fairly consistent routine!

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Ug! That sounds hard. I feel for you guys!!!