14 January 2009

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

Jordan is home from the hospital as of yesterday! 8 days in the PICU, then discharged home (no time on the regular floor, thankfully). She's on the mend, and almost back to normal. We're just glad to be all back together. We're hoping that she'll be well & healthy for her first day of pre-school next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Birkeley is now 18 days old, and becoming a bit of a character. He likes to stay up & eat for most of the night, and merely snack & nap all day. Jordan joined the "party" last night with some pretty hefty coughing. I'm by nature a night owl, and this would all be fine with me, if only Avery would stay up with us at night so we can all sleep during the day. But she's a solid sleeper from ~8:00pm to 8:00am, so she's good to go for the day! Ugh!

As for all that eating, Birke is a bit of a pig! He had his 2-week check up today, and weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces, which is just 1 ounce short of a pound over his birthweight. He also grew 1.5 inches in length (up to 22 inches), and his head grew, too. This was a relief, as a lack of head growth was the first red flag the doctors had that something was wrong with Jordan. Our pediatrician assures us that everything Birke is doing is perfectly normal, which is a relief, of course. But it won't stop me from watching & wondering over the next few months as he is supposed to start meeting milestones (like smiling, holding up his head, rolling over, etc.). But for now all is well, and we definitely appreciate it!

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