24 January 2009

A More Mellow Saturday For Jordan

Jordan made it home today around 1:30pm, with a discharge diagnosis of "neurometabolic event of unknown etiology." Typical Jordan, always a mystery. It seems that the shaking might have been related to the high fever she spiked while she was in the ambulance -- her fevers come on fast! Once she was stable at the hospital she was back to normal & they didn't know exactly what to do with her. So they discharged her, and we've been watching her temps very closely. So far she's been fine all afternoon. No source for the fever was ever identified.

The neurologist came in to see her today before she was discharged. He also decided her shaking was fever related & not due to a seizure. We've seen the chin quivering before a fever before, but never this dramatic. Sometimes Jordan just throws us for a loop!

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