29 April 2008

7 Things

I have been tagged by Astrid! The idea is to give 7 facts about yourself and then tag other bloggers to do the same. I don't know how much of a shock any of them will be ...

So here are 7 facts about me!

1. I've made over 150 sweaters, adult & more recently children size, since I learned to knit while living in Norway in 1988-89 (junior year of high school). I'm really into kids sweaters of Icelandic style these days -- they are quick to knit, and don't need a sewing machine to finish them. The most complicated one I made for Devon a few years ago, and it took 47 hours of knitting & sewing time to complete.

2. I'm not nearly as obsessive as I used to be. I've learned with Jordan there is so little I really can control in this world. I guess I am still pretty obsessive, though, but we're making progress. . . . (the Legos are not currently organized by color, it just never lasts. . . .).

3. I'm tortured with a non-conforming bio-rhythm, and I really cannot sleep before 1:30am, no matter how hard I try. Even when I'm completely blotto from lack of sleep, I'm still up until 1:30am every night. Then, at 1:30 I crash & sleep like the dead (preferably until ~10:00am, but I'm usually not that lucky).

4. I'm obsessed about capturing the spirit & expressions of my kids in photographs, but really cannot get into the thrill of video for some reason (despite the new Flip Video purchase, which is fun, but just not the same).

5. I want to build my own house, with my own hands & tools. In fact, I think it should be part of growing up -- something everyone should know how to do for themselves.

6. I love to read non-fiction, because, really, truth is stranger than fiction. It's also insight into how people tick, which also is fascinating to me.

7. I could eat (vegetarian) Italian & Mediterranean food for each & every meal of my life.

[Note: It Must Be Said: Like Julie said, Astrid, Julie & I are too much alike -- over half of Astrid's & Julie's things could be mine. . . . (relaxing stresses me out, must do many things at once, sleep like the dead, Type-A personality/obsessive, don't like shopping, but buying on-line is just fine with me, loved Pierce Brosnan since grade 7 & Remington Steele, Princess Bride a favorite since high school, some of the best quotable lines ever, love love love tea, but usually like it iced in the summer, warm in the winter)]

Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules in your blog entry.
Share 7 random, or weird, facts about yourself.
Tag people at the end of the post, linking to them.
Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged.

I've tagged the following three committed bloggers:

Kim in Rancho Santa Margarita, California (Jamie's mum)

Deb in Boston, Massachusetts (Gaige, Bliss, True, & Andrew's mom)

Kelly-Ann in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Grant & Linae's mom)


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I love Pierce too!

Astrid said...

Ahhh Pierce....

Just to say ... we love Princess Bride too. This last week we seem to be using "you keep using that word - I do not think it means, what you think it means"