This April weather just cannot decide what it wants to do! Saturday was 83'F, today didn't get to 50'F -- that's 30'F difference in 3 days!
Friday was glorious -- Devon & I had happy hour on the deck of a favorite restaurant along the Columbia River (gazing over into Oregon).

After a hot, sunny day we had our first dinner on the deck. 

Devon was pretty excited about his jumbo-sized strawberry yoghurt smoothie.
A little bird has moved into the gourd-house hanging in the lilac tree beside the front deck, and Avery is thrilled. We love to watch the birds come & go and rattle around in the gourd when they are home.
Avery picked up my camera and snapped this pic of me, without even looking in the eyepiece. I was smiling because she didn't drop & break it.
Sunday was a little cooler, a good day for dirt! Devon & Avery moved ~1.8 tons of soil around our yard and nana Noma's garden. Poor little Toyota truck. . . . (Yes, as usual, Avery dressed herself!)
Yes, those are flip-flops on her feet, over socks!
Good thing she doesn't have "mommy eyes" yet (eyes in the back of her head). She kept bragging about how clean her jeans were, considering all the dirt work she'd been doing all day.
Later we changed to go out for dinner -- yep, those are mucky cow-girl boots. . . . 
Dinner was on Avery, or so she thought
Then Monday showed up. . . . (it's hail, not snow, but brrrrrr, I want Saturday weather back!)
Jordan is a bit homebound, and has been spending her time on the deck and around the house. She isn't easily moved in the spica car seat, so it's been team Jordan & Robin or Jordan & Lisa for 4+ weeks now. Poor Jordan. Only 15 days until the cast comes off (then we start a 1 to 3 month stint in a brace, ugh!).
"My parents are exhausted"What more can we say . . . . 

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