16 January 2008

Ski Bunny

It was a big day today for Avery -- her first time skiing. The weather was great, so Devon took her up to Mt. Hood for the afternoon.

Getting ready
At the top of the hill. Devon let her hold onto his poles as she "skied" down the hill between his legs. Apparently, you have to stop for hot cocoa after every run. . . .
She was so tired she slept all the way home, then crawled into bed after she walked in the door.
Meanwhile, Jordan, Robin, & I spent the afternoon showing Joy & Lisa (OT & ST) how Jordan is eating bananas these days, through her mesh bag. She loves them! I don't even have to explain how big that is!


Kelly said...

Leslie, you've GOT to show us video of that~! How exciting!

Astrid said...

She's eating through a mesh bag - THAT'S AWESOME! WOW!

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

phew! I just got caught up. Looks like you guys had a really nice holiday!