14 December 2008

A Regular Trip To The Dentist

After the big Santa party at the dentist office on Tuesday we had to return on Wednesday for the girls' 6-month check-up. Jordan has some serious oral aversions, but did really well. She doesn't like anyone playing with her mouth, but she didn't gag and barf on anyone, so I considered the trip a success. Although the cleaning with the hygientist went well, she did cry, and I mean sob, when the dentist was poking & scraping. He didn't seem to get the gravity of the situation, but to those of us that know her intimately, there are only a handful of things in the world that make her tear up like that -- and oddly enough, hairbrushing is the main one. She doesn't even cry like that when she gets shots, blood draws, or IVs started, so teeth scraping is an entirely different level of discomfort for her!

Hey, this isn't my sucko!
Avery was a good sport about things. She even got to choose the movie on the TV screens for the whole office -- she chose Elf -- same as last December.
Then she gave the sucko a try for herself (even though she's quite familiar with suctioning, she's never brave enough to try Jordan's, and thinks it's hilarious that Devon is that brave! )
Hangin' out with Morgan, who was waiting for her sister to be done in the next room. Morgan was fascinated with Jordan, and got hooked on Elf so stayed to watch while Avery was having her turn.
Watching Elf while waiting for the dentist -- good news, no cavities for either of them!

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Wow! Jack hasn't even had a cleaning yet. I am not brave enough but you guys inspire me!