21 December 2008


The weather outside is frightful! And "baby brother" is canceled for 5 more days, until the delivery doctors are out of emergency-delivery only mode. It's very frustrating & disappointing, but like I've always said (well, since I was on fire crew in college), if you can control the weather, you can control the world. . . .

You should have seen the "master schedule" of nurses, grandparents, and friends I had ready to cover things at home with Jordan and Avery! But frankly, things have been falling apart for a few days, so I guess we were meant to wait. First grandma Linda wasn't feeling well last week so they postponed their trip down (they were going to arrive tomorrow). Nana Noma is doing well, but still recovering from her knee replacement surgery, so she's unable to do any 1-on-1 with Jordan because she cannot lift & move her. Also, the nurses had to cancel as the roads are just terrible, and it's not worth everyone's safety to be out and about. We're just going to hole up in the house and wait it out.

The worst part is that tomorrow is Avery's birthday. She was looking forward to having baby brother as her main birthday present, but oh well. Then to top it off, we were going to go to Big Al's for a little lunch and games or bowling this afternoon, but it, and Chuck E. Cheese (and most other places in Portland/Vancouver) were closed. So we threw together a little make-shift party with nana Noma, Kelly, & Kate. Kate & Avery went sledding with the neighborhood kids, frosted cupcakes & had chocolate fondue. Avery even opened a few presents early, so she doesn't seem too disappointed about things so far. Nana Noma is staying the night tonight (as planned before) and will help us celebrate Avery's real birthday tomorrow, whatever that brings.

So, it looks like we'll have a white Christmas, and hopefully be able to get our master schedule back together for the weekend. Then we can bring baby brother home early next week, once and for all. 5 more days. . . just 5 MORE days. . . .

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I hope little brother doesn't decide to come on his own in the next 5 days! Good luck!