I am a little worried about jinxing things, but, as of right now, Friday night, we'll be heading to the hospital in ~3 hours to start the induction of "baby brother." It's been a long week of waiting, but now that it's actually here I'm getting a little nervous. You'd think by the 3rd time I'd have this down, but each time is a new adventure, I guess. Then we'll have to switch into "newborn fog" mode, which is a challenge in itself!
The last few days have been pretty crazy. With the weather we were actually stuck here last night (for the first time in 2 weeks of the "Arctic Blast 2008"), but Devon shovelled and shovelled and managed to free the van this afternoon. The weather has been above freezing all day, and isn't expected to drop again for a few days, so all the snow on the roads is now slush. I've never been so excited for rain in my life, and I admit I was starting to worry about what I would do if baby brother decided to come early on his own. I was really not in the mood for a home birth . . . luckily that didn't happen.
Nana Noma ended up staying two nights in a row and being a big help with Avery over the holidays. And grandma Linda & grandpa Earl were able to weather the storms and made it here this evening. They will be staying the night with Jordan & Avery over the next few days, and both nurses are working extended hours during the day to keep the
status quo with Jordan while Devon and I are at the hospital. Even though it was a long wait for me, it is working out for the best in terms of scheduling, so I have a much better feeling about things tonight.
Fingers crossed. . . .
Here's a picture of us from tonight -- 38 weeks 6 days.