30 June 2008

Starting Over

Finally, a new month & a chance to start over. June has been a bit crazy around here, but we survived. Jordan certainly had some bumps along the way, but she's holding her own, even with her newest diagnosis (from today!!) -- Roseola. Of course, since she only woke up with a fever of 104'F this morning, but no other symptoms, we'll have to wait it out and see if the rash follows in 3 to 7 days. Luckily we were able to control the fever with Tylenol, Motrin, and cold washclothes, and luckily it wasn't an inner ear infection (she had copious drainage from her right ear all last week, so we were worried her t-tube was plugged and the fluid was building up behind it in her middle or inner ear). But, her ears both looked pristine, so, that left us with Roseola, since it's going around. . . .

Last week, a couple of days after a spur-of-the-moment trip to the ENT over the ear drainage issue (bleck!) Jordan sailed through her Botox treatment. She only had to have oral sedation (Versed), so no digging for veins (phew, like the week before), and the 4 shot sites along her spine didn't seem to bother her at all. Now her back is weaker than before, so we'll start working her muscles to stretch them out this week. Hopefully this will help slow the curvature of her spine, partially caused by the shortening, tight muscles we are trying to weaken. It's a bit of an experiment, so only time will tell. The results of the Botox will last for about 3 to 4 months, so we'll have awhile to see if we think it helps her.

Of course during all of this with Jordan, we've had some wonderful visits with friends & family. I'm busy going through my photos, file after file, and plan to do some fun posting within the next couple of weeks. Hang in there with us! I certainly plan to be a much better blogger in July!

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